Anki from Roam

· 385 words · 2 minute read
  • DRAFT !
  • Goal: Able to extract the anki flashcards from own notes
  • Definition of Success:
    • Given I do some changes in my roam files
    • And I add a new flashcard node
    • When some time happens (1h)
    • Then in my phone (ankiDroid) I have my new flashcard
  • Highlevel:
    • Download the markdowns
    • Parse all the markdowns and find the cards
    • Send the cards to anki somehow
  • Anki
    • highly personalizable software
    • LOT, lot, loooot of addons
    • makes it hard to understand how it actually works
  • Research, how I can update anki from my server
    • The oficial way to sync between different devices in anki is to use ankiweb, but ankiweb has no public api
    • AnkiDroid, the app for anki in android, has a Droid API => 💡 create an app that gets the data from an s3 bucket or a server. downloads it, and creates the deck
    • there is a ankysyncd and a docker container project ( which would be possible to modify to add the decks/flashcard in there..
  • First approach android app!
  • Project steps
    • Create a single app with a button
    • When the button is pressed will create a new card in the test deck
      • Validation: if the card is also sync agains ankiweb, and appears in the anki desktop! => Yes, if you click the sync button in the app, in settings there is an auto sync
      • Validation: what happens if we try to create two equal cards => Multiple cards are created
    • Will create a roam deck if it don’t exist and will create the card
      • Validation
    • Every hour will create the an anki flashcard with the time stamp
      • Validation: we can create cards from the background
    • Define a valid json format and create a simple test, that the app can download, and create the card
  decks: [{
      name: "Roam",
      cards: [{
        type: 'cloze',
        text: 'which is the capital of Costa Rica San Jose'
      }, ...]
   }, ....]
- [x] Define a valid json format  and create a simple test, that the app can download, and create the card
    - Had to do a lot of hacks, cause like the ankidroid api doesn't expose enough, it allow for creation, but note to get all the notes (only by id)

- [ ] from roam to deck json file check for inspiration